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About Glenn Anderson: 

 A native of Richmond, Virginia, Glenn Anderson graduated from Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and Management in 1991.  He has over twenty years in the National Guard and is currently working in the healthcare field. 

How Glenn's Writing Careeer Began:

His interest in poetry began by writing ryhmes in a hip hop group.  He has been writing rap songs since 1987 and converted several into full-fledged poems.  In 1998, he was asked to create a poem to recite at his family reunion. He composed a poem titled "What Is Family?" as he drove down to South Carolina for the family reunion.  That one poem prompted him to continue writing until he amassed over 200 secular poems in 7 seven years.   As a result, he has a completed manuscript titled "Deep Thoughts" .  The release date of this book has not been determined.   

However, after joining St. Paul's Baptist Church in Richmond, VA; lead by Dr. Lance D. Watson, Glenn was moved by GOD to begin writing Christian poems.  After compiling over 60 poems, he decided to focus on releasing a book titled "From the Root of the Fruit", based on the 9 aspects of the Fruit Of The Spirit.  This is a collaboration with his sister, Cynthia Barrett.  It has been his number one passion for the last year and it is due to be released in the last quarter of 2007.